Friday, December 03, 2010

Freaky Friday - Birthday Edition

Okay, so DESPITE the fact that evidently nobody except for Faithful Reader Rob is reading today, I am going to keep posting. Because I'm generous like that.

Here we go with Freaky Friday:

I had a birthday this past week, and per usual, I bought some presents for myself.*

This is the Infant of Prague.

He'll be a companion piece to my terrifying statuette of Saint Jude.

His eyes aren't really that wonky; it's just a trick of the light. Although he does look ... rather ... peaceful, doesn't he?

*What? Of COURSE I buy presents for myself. Somebody's gotta do it.

Seriously, I have two boxes in my bedroom closet - One marked "birthday", and one marked "Christmas", and throughout the year, sometimes when I see a little something that I like, I buy it and it goes into the boxes. And because my memory is shot, by the time the day rolls around, I've forgotten most of what I've bought, so it's Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Look what I bought for myself!

Oh, come on, it's a GREAT idea. Admit it.


Holly said...

I am lurking like a lurking thing in a cardigan.

Also it is your fault I bought that sparkling pink Virgin Mary piggie bank!

~~Silk said...

Also lurking.

I do late night online shopping, and then I'm surprised when I get forgotten "gifts" in the mail.

Stuff like that gets a lot more interesting when you get old....

Holly Jane said...

Oh, and, hurrr, Happy Birthday! Sags, woo!

Rob said...

Someone got a little carried away with the paint on the left eye on that thing.

Hey, did you always just get one present on your birthday because Christmas was only a few weeks later, and it wasn't really all that good of a present because your parents said they were saving all the good presents for the 25th and so your birthday present was socks or a garden hose or some shit like that?

Sucked, didn't it?

Happy Belated Birthday!

the queen said...

Whenever I wear a jacket with pockets I put cash >= 5$ in the pocket, so I can find it later.

rockygrace said...

Holly, I want that piggy bank.

~~Silk, hah, sometimes I'm surprised when I get an e-mail notifying me that I've won an auction on ebay, and I'm all, like, "huh?" 'cause I've forgotten I put in a bid.

And Rob, my b-day is always a few days after Thanksgiving and a few weeks before Christmas, so yeah, when I was a kid, it was a little tough for the grown-ups to muster a lot of enthusiasm for yet another get-together.

Queen, that's a great idea!

rockygrace said...

Oh! Oh! and here's a question: Why is the Infant of Prague STANDING? If's he's an infant, shouldn't he be, like, lying down? Or maybe crawling at best? Infants can't stand! Or maybe it's a miracle? Hmmm...