Thursday, December 16, 2010

Three Days of the Condo

Here is the old cat condo. You can see how The Runt is kind of scrunched into it. It was really made for smaller cats:

I love how he's all suave and debonair in that pic. Helloooo, ladeeeez.

Now, for the new cat condo.
First off, YOU try wrestling a forty-five-pound, six-feet-tall, multi-level cat tree out of a station wagon and into a house. The things I do for these cats.

They'd better be getting me something amazing for Christmas, is all I'm sayin'.

Okay, here's The Runt, whose opinion on this little endeavor was critical. I hadn't even gotten the thing out of the kitchen when he stared exploring:

Look at the muscles on that cat! I think he's been doing my shred DVD when I'm at work.

Level Two:

That's Little Girl on the bottom, and The Runt on the second story.

Level Three:

I was a little worried about how they were going to get up there. Okay, mainly I was worried that they were going to try climbing the Christmas tree and then jumping over to that top level. But The Runt just climbed the post all the way to the top. Oh, and that's a six-and-half foot Christmas tree, so you can see how gigantor the cat condo is.

I'm pretty sure they like it.


Holly said...

d'aww! See, I didn't weigh in because the man has been making comments about getting a cat condo for his gargoyle cat. "But if we get one, she won't run away anymore!" "Yes she will, and when we bring her back, she'll get up in it and claw our eyes out when we walk by." The other two cats would have a blast, but that one... we do not need the Sauron's tower for that nazgul.

Anonymous said...

Very nice--still can't imagine how you got it in your car. Where's the picture of that feat!
Tried the window seat, but my fat Tom wasn't going to be held up by glue-tried to install a shelf in bedroom window, he ignored it. Finally built a cat tower-thankfully it meets his approval and he he pays me back by chirping LOUDLY at the birds at the buttcrack of dawn.

Badass Nature Girl said...

So nice! Glad it was accepted!

rockygrace said...

You know, I probably should have gotten a pic of that monstrosity in the car - we had to wedge the top tier up and over the front bucket seats, so getting it back out again was an exercise in logistics.

And my knee STILL hurts.

Fish Food said...

I love your cat tree...

I've never seen one of those before. Not sure if you can get them here. Amazed that you got it in - and out - of your car!