Thursday, December 30, 2010

Et tu, FitTV?

I'll admit it; I've been known watch FitTV from time to time. I like watching the yoga gals do their impossible poses, and I like watching that insane workout chick, I can't think of her name, the one with the brown hair who looks kind of like a buffed-up preschool teacher, lead the Cardio Blast.

Have you ever watched Cardio Blast? It's like the most intense workout show EVER, where they're all up and down and up and around on their little step thingies and they're lifting weights and I keep watching to see if someone's heart is literally going to explode out of their chest. Seriously.

So! Imagine my dismay when I discovered that, after the first of the year, FitTV is no longer going to be airing the yoga gals and Cardio Blast and the other workout shows in prime time.

What will they be showing instead, you ask?

"Untold Stories of the E.R." "Born with Two Heads." "8-Limbed Boy." "17 Kids and Counting." "Dr. G: Medical Examiner."

AND, perhaps most hilariously, " World's Fattest Man."

Oh, FitTV, I could watch that schlock on ANY channel. I counted on YOU to at least SHOW me how to exercise, even if I wasn't brave enough to attempt Cardio Blast without medical supervision. I even taped some of the tamer exercise shows, one of which, an ab workout, is in regular rotation in my exercise schedule. (Not that I really HAVE a regular exercise schedule, who am I kidding here, but HEY! I DO that ab workout! Occasionally. Sometimes.)

"Half-Ton Teen"? REALLY, FitTV?

I think you've lost your way. Time for an Intervention. Oh, wait, you're showing that at ten?



the queen said...

Sure, because Discovery health is being taken over by Oprah Winfrey. Those shos need somewhere to go.

Rob said...

It's just as well. You watch too much television anyway. You should devote more time to internet surfing.

rockygrace said...

Boy oh boy, that Oprah just steamrolls over everything, doesn't she? I don't know about you, but I was over her about ten years ago.

And Rob, thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind.