Friday, December 31, 2010

Freaky Friday: So I went to see a lady about a porcupine edition

Oh peeps, it is a long, LONG story involving lots of twists and turns, but suffice it to say that I am now the proud owner of a three-feet-tall, eighty-year-old taxidermied porcupine.

Betcha it's the only one in town.

"There's a reason for that", you're all saying.

I know.

Happy New Year!


rockygrace said...

Oh, and lest you think I've gone totally insane, rest assured that the porcupine is residing up on a high shelf, far way from where any inquiring cats could reach him.

Badass Nature Girl said...

COOL! Better than the bottle of nail clippings collection on Oddities the other day...........

Rob said...

Okay ... now I know why you scare the shit out of yourself. That's not a porcupine, it's some swamp monster with sticky/pricky things on it.

Unknown said...

This is sooooo cool! I was just near your town today -- I totally should have stopped to see this in person.

rockygrace said...

Bridge, let me know the next time you're going to be in the area - I'll give you a guided tour of the Freaky Friday house!

~~Silk said...

I love porcupines! I was driving down a dirt road in the woods one day when three huge porcupines crossed the road in front of me. They were all carrying something in their front paws, so they were walking upright on their hind legs. They were very slow, and so serious and stately. They seemed to expect me to stop "of course", and weren't the least bit fazed by my getting out of the car to watch them.

rockygrace said...

I had NO IDEA that porcupines could walk upright. That is awesome.