Thursday, April 01, 2010

..... and these were the last images found on her camera after her death.

Duuuuuuudes, check it out:

Sorry for the poor quality - I was trying to get some pics quickly, before he stabbed me to death with his bloody horn.

It's hard to tell from the pics, but that horn is definitely not after-market or what remained after something else was broken off. The red color is original, too, and not the work of some emo kid with a Sharpie. You can click those pics to embiggen.

Here's a pic of something similar I found on Flickr*:

Who is this dude?!

Right now he's on my kitchen windowsill beneath the Cabinet Wall O' Religion. (Whole other post, right there.) But I would not be surprised if I woke up some morning to find him on my nightstand, peering up at me. **

*When I went to look it up again so I could credit the photog, I could no longer find it. Spoooky.

** ha ha, not really. Because then I would die of fright.

DISCLAIMER: This totally counts as this week's Freaky Friday. Shut it, Rob.


~~Silk said...

It's not a horn, it's a flame. The dude is Jude (Thaddeus) the Apostle, according to, which describes him as "a man with a flame over his head, wearing a medallion with profile of Christ on it."

You'll find another photo and description at

He's the patron of lost or impossible causes.


Rob said...

Awww, he's cute! I like knowing it's a flame. That's much cooler than a bloody horn. Must have been tough for him to wash his hair though. And I FIGURED that this was your Freaked-Out Friday post, so don't be all over my butt. I'm just trying to keep you on track. That's just the helpful kind of person I am :)

Unknown said...

Silk, good find! This has been driving me mildly crazy, as it was falling in the outfield squarely between my theological education and my google-fu, neither of which was running to go get the ball.

the queen said...

God bless you Silk. And may Jude bless you too. And good heavens, with all the press Saint Jude gets you'd think we'd recognize him. And: why no St Jude lighter?

But, hilarious post. I like the idea that Saint Jude would do you in.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, thank you so much. I can sleep better knowing that's a flame and not a bloody horn (although I hope he doesn't burn my house down) (watch where you point that thing, Jude), and that he's the patron saint of lost causes, which is cool.

Heather said...

A flame is soo much better than a horn! Patron of lost causes, oh yeah..everyone needs one of those! LOL!