Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Speaking of death .....

While rooting around in one of my cupboards the other day, looking for the jar of mayo I was sure had to be in there, I discovered a bag of goldfish crackers with a "Sell By" date of April 5, 2008.


You know what that means? It means that I bought that bag of goldfish crackers sometime (presumably) before April 5, 2008 and stuck it in my cupboard. At the old place. And it sat there for over a year, until August of 2009, when I packed up and moved. And at some point in the packing process, I picked up that bag of goldfish that had expired OVER A YEAR AGO, took a look at it, evidently shrugged, and packed it up to move to the new place*.

Where it sat, for almost another year, until I rediscovered it the other night. I took a look at the expiration date, sighed, and took the bag to work to snack on. (I mean, I'm going to snack on the crackers inside, NOT on the bag itself, although at this point in time, there may not be a whole heck of a lot of a difference.)

I'll let you know how they taste.

Or, you know, not, depending on the outcome.

*And I can even tell what my thought process most likely was at the time: "Meh. It's only been expired for a year. It's still good - might as well pack it." I swear to God sometimes I think I'm a guy.


Anonymous said...

I imagine they'll be stale but potentially edible. I'm currently eating some past-due yogurt :( We'll see how that goes. I can't stand eating stuff after the expiration date.

rockygrace said...

Past-due yogurt? You're a risk-taker! I pulled some leftover mac-and-cheese out of the fridge last night and it tasted MOLDY.

I've gotta clean this shit out more often before I give myself typhoid or something.

Heather said...

Hubby wanted sweet and sour sause to go with his dinner this evening. He asked if we had any and I said I think so. I pulled it out and its date was 07'! Needless to say he didn't get any sause!

Dr Ferox said...

So, how did the crackers taste?

rockygrace said...

Dr Ferox, the crackers were pretty stale. But they didn't kill me, so that's a plus!