Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How appropriate that this should happen during Administrative Professionals' Week

Dear CAD drafter:

When you said that the secretary (i.e., me) should take over some of your job responsibilities, implying that because I make less than you, it would save the company money?

What you didn't know is that I make MORE than you do, not less.

Get ready to do a bitchload of filing, asshat.


Unknown said...

Hee! Bet the CAD drafter was a guy...although now that I think about it, I've been served with huge heaps of steaming contempt by women with small amounts of technical expertise in situations where they think I'm "just" a housewife. When I pull out the checkbook that has my professional title on it, they look a little flummoxed.

Fish Food said...

Enjoy the smuggery!!

Heather said...

You tell'em how it is girl!!