I was born in 1962; you do the math. (See also: I'm too lazy to remember to update this thing regularly.) I bought my first house in the summer of 2009; I share it with four cats and with the memories of The Runt and Little Girl, who both passed away in 2011. Rocky, the cat for whom this blog was named, passed away in 2008; I miss them all. I wish I lived somewhere where the winters weren't eight months long; other than that, life is good.
Amen, sister! So happy for you! I don't miss apartment life one single little tiny bit. Nuh-uh, no way.
Unfortunately though, we've got to listen to everyone's barking dogs in the vicinity..... and there's a lot. This is a dog town, where I've been labeled a dog-hater because I don't want to hear them at all hours of the night and I don't want them pooping in my yard. I don't hate dogs, I hate inconsiderate dog owners ;o)
Coolness! Thanks for letting me know and thank you for ordering! btw, I started a business blog now so I can post things as I make them. soapwood.blogspot.com
Amen, sister! So happy for you! I don't miss apartment life one single little tiny bit. Nuh-uh, no way.
Unfortunately though, we've got to listen to everyone's barking dogs in the vicinity..... and there's a lot. This is a dog town, where I've been labeled a dog-hater because I don't want to hear them at all hours of the night and I don't want them pooping in my yard. I don't hate dogs, I hate inconsiderate dog owners ;o)
Hey, BNG, just wanted to let you know that your soap got here over the weekend and it's lovely! Thanks!
Coolness! Thanks for letting me know and thank you for ordering! btw, I started a business blog now so I can post things as I make them. soapwood.blogspot.com
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