Thursday, August 05, 2010

Movie Review: The Ruins

So, I was flipping through channels yesterday before Carmen came on, and I saw that FX was showing "The Ruins". I'd read the book a while back, and thought I'd check out the movie.

*Spoiler ahead*

Okay, so the premise of The Ruins is that these people are exploring some, well, ruins, and a vine-type thing starts attacking them by, like, invading their bodies. Like growing into their skin and shit.

This movie was probably not the best choice for someone who currently has alien, running sores on her body. Ahem. But as it turns out, it really didn't matter, cause I happened to tune in right at the part when the dude decides he's gotta cut the other dude's legs off, but first he's gotta break the bones, so he picks up this great big rock and lifts it over his head and

yeah. That's as far as I got. I actually got up and turned away from the TV and covered my ears and went lalalalala so I couldn't hear any, you know, screaming or anything, and then I walked back to grab the remote to turn the TV off with my head turned to the side, blindly groping, so I wouldn't accidentally see any images on the screen, and that's why I'll never make it as a movie reviewer.

Okay! Moving on to TMI land! Gross shit ahead!

You've been warned!

The spot on my arm is oozing yellow crud at an alarming rate, despite liberal applications of neosporin. I woke up this morning with two more spots on my leg that are all bumpy-like and are probably going to erupt into gross at any moment. I feel like the very first character introduced in a very long Stephen King novel.

Googling revealed that impetigo is evidently usually transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact, which is sadly missing in my life right now. And poison ivy, well, isn't poison ivy itchy? These spots aren't itchy at all, they just sit there and ooze ....

Okay, now I've grossed myself out. If you don't see any more posts up here, well, prepare for the apocalypse, because I am evidently the alpha case in some horrible new disease. Heh. kidding.

I hope.


~~Silk said...

Hugged any kids lately? Wasn't it just a hair over 10 days ago that you picked up the old guy with the box of clothes? Skin-to-skin contact is not necessary. Cloth-to-skin, car seat-to-skin, even cat-to-skin will do.

rockygrace said...

"Hugged any kids lately?" God forbid, ~~Silk, God forbid.

And if that old dude gave me impetigo by riding in my car, I'll go hunt him down and kill him.

Heather said...

Hubby and I watched it and hubby has watched twice since. I can't watch it again, once was enough.

Now that it is spreading, you should really have it checked if you can. I agree with Silk, it doesn't have to be skin to skin. You could have gotten it a number of ways, like even just shaking hands.