I was born in 1962; you do the math. (See also: I'm too lazy to remember to update this thing regularly.) I bought my first house in the summer of 2009; I share it with four cats and with the memories of The Runt and Little Girl, who both passed away in 2011. Rocky, the cat for whom this blog was named, passed away in 2008; I miss them all. I wish I lived somewhere where the winters weren't eight months long; other than that, life is good.
They look sorta like they might be Russula Vesca, which is edible and quite good. Or, it could be Amanita Phalloides, a.k. a. Death Cap, which is definitely not good.
I eat the Shaggy Cap (Coprinus Comatus) from my front yard. They, at least,look nothing like anything poisonous.
[Heh. My word verification is "coffer". Too close to coffin!]
Must have been a lot of rain in upstate NY. Resist the urge to throw them on the grill. They're quite deadly you know Mr. Bond.
Those shoes are awesome!
I often wonder how many of our caveman ancestors were killed off by mushrooms. I mean, how many trial-and-errors resulted in errors?
They look sorta like they might be Russula Vesca, which is edible and quite good. Or, it could be Amanita Phalloides, a.k. a. Death Cap, which is definitely not good.
I eat the Shaggy Cap (Coprinus Comatus) from my front yard. They, at least,look nothing like anything poisonous.
[Heh. My word verification is "coffer". Too close to coffin!]
First poison ivy, then yellowjackets, now deadly mushrooms ... oh, great, Nature is trying to kill me.
And Kate, those shoes are the most comfy shoes ever. They're Airwalks, and you can buy them at Payless. This was not a paid endorsement. :)
How can we ignore the feet!
Yeah I don't suggest you eat the fungus, unless you enjoy vomiting.
Guys, I went out to mow Saturday afternoon and those things were gone. Just ... *poof* ... vanished.
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