I think of him as Kiltdown Man. {groan}
Honestly, I've got a lot of respect for this guy. We work in a fairly tough part of town, and if he's got the nuts to wear a skirt to work, more power to him.
I was gonna ask him about the whole underwear thing, but I figure he probably gets that a lot.
You've got PUDDLES! Puddles? Our storms come from your direction, and it looks like you've been wringing all the water out of them before they get to us. No fair!
We just get brief downpours, and then it dries up again. No soaking rains, which is what we could probably use right now.
Then again, I haven't mowed in two weeks. Yay!
Not a skirt!! Most definitely not a skirt!
Any Scotsman would have a fit if they heard you calling it a skirt. Shame on you!!!!!!
You take the high road, Fish Food, and I'll take the low road ....
Oh, and everybody send kind thoughts Fish Food's way - she's having surgery on Monday. Best wishes, Fish!
LOL! I just can't imagine what would happen to a dude wearing a kilt here in the south.
Yeah, he has big ones to go around like that!
Anyone who dares to be different gets the thumbs up from me!
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