While some individuals, towns, and counties are selling the gas rights to their properties as fast as they can, others are taking a more cautious approach, saying the DEC (Dept. of Environmental Conservation) needs to do more research into the drilling before allowing the gas companies to start work. In other parts of the country where this type of drilling has been utilized, there have been all sorts of problems with contaminated water, increased illness rates, and other nasty stuff.
There is an undeveloped park a couple of miles down the road from me, and the town has sold the gas rights for the park to a gas company. The DEC hasn't even given approval to start drilling yet, but the company who bought the rights has evidently already started work there, judging by some pics I took the other day.
This used to be a pretty little footpath winding through the woods:
Yeah. Think twice, people, is all I'm sayin'.
Now it's a pretty BIG footpath winding through the woods.
That sucks :-(
Ex! Good to see ya!
You know, the town owns the land, and they can do whatever they want to with it. It just surprised me that the gas company would start putting in roads before they even had permission from the state to drill.
Unless, of course, they know something I don't.
And Whiskey Girl! Good to see you, too!
That is awful what they do to the land in the name of progress. I'm sure they are thinking that they will have it all ready so that when they do get permission they are good to go right then.
We also went through the destruction and buying up land for a goverment project called the super collider and it never went through and lots of folks had been forced off their land and never got it back.
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