Monday, March 08, 2010

Bloggers who drive me crazy

Okay, so I've been waffling on posting this for pretty much ever, because I'm worried that lately I've gotten a little, well .... extra-snarky. There's all kinds of bloggers out there vowing to be kinder and gentler on their blogs and ...... that's not me. So proceed with caution. But be advised that NONE OF YOU are on this list, so rest easy. And I'm specifically calling out peeps who are making good money and a degree of popularity off their blogs, not people doing it for grins and giggles in anonymity, like me. :)

Bloggers who drive me nuts:

1. Bloggers who only post once every couple of months or so, and then only to explain that they're taking a break. Honey, if you never post, you're not "taking a break". You're "no longer a blogger".

2. In similar vein to #1, bloggers who stop blogging, but then sporadically start up again, only to quit once more. You're in or you're out - make up your mind. I'm lookin' at you, Miss D*x*e.

3. Bloggers who get rich from their blog (yes I am jealous - very, very jealous) and then evidently decide that they're "too big to blog", because their post output drops precipitously. Hi, D**ce!

4. In a similar vein to #3, bloggers who exhaustively catalog their book tours/home renovations/major purchases, all of which are made possible by the people who read their blogs, or used to until the bragging got to be too damn grating. (I am jealous, okay? Don't make me read about your swag!)

5. Bloggers who do entire entries composed of nothing but dozens of photos of their basset hound, who hasn't moved an inch since the Bush administration. Holla, Pion**r W*m*n!

6. Bloggers who can't get over a bad experience. Dwelling never did anybody any good.

7. Bloggers who ask for money. I mean, if you have cancer or something, OF COURSE I will try to help you out, but if you're shilling for the two grand to fix Fido's *insert doggie medical condition here* ...... really? You don't have two grand? No offense, honey, but you're living waaaaaaay too close to the financial edge. That, or you don't want to fork over the two grand you were saving for that big-screen TV to instead save your dog's life.

8. Any blogger who uses bad clip-art. Blech. Sparkles and animation pretty much guarantee a "delete".

ha, so yeah, one of these days, an angry mob of people I've dissed on here is going to show up at my door with torches and pitchforks. And then I'll be on the local evening news.

How about you? Got any blogs that drive you crazy? (like this one?) Snark away in the comments!


Fish Food said...

No 4/ Thank God we're not getting any money to renovate our wee hoose! I do hope that my description of 'a day in the life of renovating' haven't been 'exhaustive'!!

Why do I feel guilty??

Robyn said...

Bloggers who plead poverty one moment, put up a Paypal button, then talk about their fabulous designer purse or expensive vacations to the Bahamas the next. Grrrr.

You won't see a Paypal button on my site EVER, because if I can afford an internet connection, I'm not poor enough to go begging strangers for latte money.

(In the interest of full disclosure, I do often post links to people who are raising money for some charitable cause or another, but that's hardly the same thing.)

rockygrace said...

Fish, I LOVE reading about the wee hoose!

And Robyn, thanks so much for stopping by! Everybody, go check out Robyn's site - she helps out homeless kitties!

Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

I'm a huge fan of blogs proclaiming perfect love for husbands or Jesus. Not.

Heather said...

Dang, we can make money from blogging? How how how? Just kidding!

Oh nooo! I think I qualify for #8, but I don't fully understand the word clip art. I like sparklies! LOL!