Wednesday, March 24, 2010

She's a traveller

Little Girl has been giving me fits lately - she takes off and is gone for hours.

On Saturday, she left the house around ten a.m. and didn't come back until almost 7:30 that night. Yesterday, she was out the door by seven a.m., and I didn't see her again until after dark.

Saturday was especially worrisome, because I was working in the yard for a good chunk of the day, and usually when I do that, the cats come around to supervise. Faithful Runt was glad to oblige, but not Little Girl, even when I called and called and CALLED for her. Only to go inside, truly frightened, at dusk, to discover that she had done an end-run around me via doggy door and was (FINALLY) inside eating her dinner.

Where does she go? Someplace covered, because when she came in last night, it had been raining for a while, but she was fairly dry. I would assume she was double-dipping, i.e., hanging out and eating at two houses, but she wears a collar with my phone number on it, and I would think I'd get a call if someone had an extra cat at their house.

She's been spayed, so she's not out getting frisky. She's not scratched up, so she isn't fighting with other cats.

And I have to say, poor Runt is all out of sorts when she's gone. He paces, and goes in and out, and hops up in the cat tree so he can look out the window, watching for his sister.

Where do you go, Little Girl?

Ask my feral mama, she says. I'm not tellin'.


Anonymous said...

My cat did that when we first moved to NY. He would be gone all day and was clearly unhappy being inside. I think he probably went out hunting or just found a secluded place to nap. He snapped out of it when it got cold, so maybe LG is just taking in the spring weather and somewhat new surroundings.

Anonymous said...

My cat does that too. He's neutered but stays out for 2-3 days at a time in the summer. It's kind of worrisome though he goes crazy if I try to keep him in.

Heather said...

That would freak me out! Hmmm...

rockygrace said...

I did get a clue last night, when I saw Little Girl strolling nonchalantly out of a neighbor's (unused, upside-down) compost bin!

Compound said...

LOVED Under the Dome, and can my cats run away to your house? I live in GA but have a passel of cats I did not ask for that I will drive up to you.....

rockygrace said...

Oh, my two keep me plenty busy, Compound, but thanks for the offer! And thanks for stopping by.