Monday, March 01, 2010


Return from Mount Kilimanjaro:

Little Girl gets up on her haunches and peers around like a meercat to see over the snowbanks.

When they get tired of the snow, they torture the indoor foliage:

The pic above was taken before the recent snowage - you can tell by the bare ground in the yard. The next time we have bare ground, it'll be ...... well, it'll be a long time from now, I'll put it that way. And the palm tree Little Girl is chewing on currently has about two fronds left - they batt them around until they break them.

And you should always match your furniture to your cats, obv.

1 comment:

Heather said...

With cats everything is fair game! I had bought two stalks of fake greenry for the bathroom and they both are half the size they were when I bought them. To them real greenry or fake greenry are all the same...yummy!