Monday, March 29, 2010

I have my limits

Okay, so you guys know how my house is full of all kinds of weird shit. I have got to tell you, on Sunday I saw something in an antiques store that was too weird even for me.

It was a ceramic statue of a saint, about 8" tall, dressed all in flowing robes. The saint was cradling a medallion of another saint in his arms. And he had a bloody horn on his head, right in the center, at his hairline.


Catholics, help me out here. I really, REALLY wanted to buy that damn thing (three bucks!), but I don't want to bring some evil bad awful thing into my house. I don't want to end up like Karen Black in Trilogy of Terror with that nasty little kachinka doll thing chasing me around.

But seriously, which saint is this guy supposed to BE?! Is there a rational reason why a saint would have a bloody horn on his head?

I don't get it.


the queen said...

Huh. All I can think is that it was not a saint but the one-horned beast from Daniel 4? And there's a Michaelangelo statue of Moses that appears to have horns because somebody mis-translated something. Nut he's sitting down and isnt cradling anything.

Rob said...

Hey, I googled "saint with a bloody horn" and your post came up first! It seems you've become the "go to" person for people who want to know about Saints with horns in the middle of their foreheads. Congrats, you've arrived!

Seriously, it might be Saint Hotstuff. And it probably will chase you around the house. Some things are best left un-purchased.

rockygrace said...

Pics on the way.

(Yep. I bought it.)

(And it didn't kill me. Yet.)

Unknown said...

Yes, I'd need pics. Maybe what you've got is an ordinary saint that was wearing a bishop's miter (the pointy red lobed cap) and the back lobe broke off. If the horn is sort of shield-shaped and covers the front of the hairline, then that's a likely bet. But if it's bloody...sounds like someone just had a sacreligious go at an icon (as queen says, maybe transforming it into a ref to the horned beast.)

Alternately, you might have a weird St. Hubert (patron of the hunt), who was the person who saw the crucifix in the deer's antlers and converted. If that is so, weird that you are accumulating all these deer-magic items.

The only other deity I can think of with a red horn in his head is the Siouan deity Red Horn, but it's unlikely that you'd mix that dude up with a saint of any sort. He is drawn with human faces in his earlobes and all manners of other supernatural strangeness.

Heather said...

No catholic insight here, but it sounds like something I wouldn't dare touch!

I can't believe you bought it! You brave woman!