Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Jury! Duty!

Yeah, no, it's not really all that exciting.

For one thing, they're still showing that same damn introduction-to-the-courts video they were showing the last time I got called for jury duty, which has to have been at LEAST six years ago.

It's narrated by Ed Bradley, which, not to put too fine a point on it, but is he even still alive?

ANYhow, they seated a jury before I got called for questioning, so I'm off the hook. Frankly, I would have had a hard time with the case, which was a young woman who got pulled over for drunk driving and refused a breathalyzer, so welcome to the court system.

For one thing, I have a niece who is going through the same thing right now, and I think she's possibly guilty. But! Without a breathalyzer, how do you know what the blood alcohol is? What does .08 look like, exactly? Does .o8 look the same on everybody? How do you tell if someone's at .08 and not, say, .07?

Oh! But the defendant was not going to testify, which, um, why would you not testify on your own behalf, unless it's going to hurt your case? EXACTLY.

This, my friends, is why I'm always a bridesmaid and never a bride. Often called, but never serving.

Oh! Oh! And I was one of the few potential jurors NOT wearing jeans and ratty sneakers. What is UP with that? And the unwashed hair! Holy shit! And there was this pair of old farts sitting there chewing giant wads of gum like they were chewing cuds. Jeezus christ.

And then I looked at the defendant, and SHE was wearing jeans.


What. the. fuck. You're on TRIAL, in a criminal COURT, and the best you can do is jeans? Really?

This country's going to shit, I'll tell you that right now.

Oh, and hey, kids, GET OFF MY LAWN.

Oh! But I did get to see my old elementary-school bus driver, which was kinda cool. And he's serving on the jury right this very minute. Sorry about that, Mr. Breed.

Just for the record? I think she's GUILTYGUILTYGUILTY.

Bet she's glad I'm not on the jury.


rockygrace said...

Oh yeah, and one of the questions they were asking potential jurors during voir dire was, what were their hobbies.

I wonder if someone would have got off if they'd answered "drinking".

If I'd have gotten up there I was gonna try it, just to see what happened.

See again: Why I never get picked for jury duty.

Kelly said...

I have lived in the same city my entire life, and I have never once been picked for jury duty, I think this is a little weird. My oldest step-daughter has been picked twice.

I would kind of like to go.

My brother in law always jokes about what he would say to get ON a jury. That he would be the most unopinionated person there is....

rockygrace said...

Oh, man, Kelly, there were people up there bending over BACKWARD to assure the attorneys that they could be completely unbiased.

I guess they REALLY wanted to serve.

I wouldn't MIND serving, as long as the trial didn't last more than a day or two, so I didn't get too far behind at work.

Then again, they only pay forty bucks a day for jury duty, which ... what?