Thursday, January 06, 2011

God help me ...

... I just bought a car.

Hey! Things move quick-like here in Rocky world! Ya gotta keep up!

What the hell have I done?


Rob said...

What have you done? Saved yourself a lot of headaches. Congratulations! Put up some pictures when you have a chance ...

~~Silk said...

Did the salesman have blue eyes?

rockygrace said...

Rob, pics to come - if you image-search "08 Kia Rondo" you'll get a pretty good idea.

And ~~Silk, honestly, I didn't really notice. But he's coming back to pick up the Saturn - I'll let you know. (Is there something I should know about blue-eyed salesmen, just for future reference?)

Oh, and do you guys know what this means? It means I can FINALLY pry up the cardboard I had duct-taped to the garage floor (classy!) to catch the oil drips. No more oil slick!

~~Silk said...

Re eye color: Studies have shown that people trust salesmen with blue eyes more than dark eyed salesmen. They find blue eyes on a male more innocent. On the other hand, they trust dark eyed saleswomen more than blue eyed ones. Blue eyed saleswomen come across as less knowledgeable.

rockygrace said...

Blue-eyed men are pretty boys! Great to have fun with, but you can't trust 'em.

The salesman had brown eyes. :)