Friday, July 23, 2010

Freaky Friday - what I did on my summer vacation edition


There is just TOO MUCH to share with you guys today! Scroll down for a tale of the homeless, another thrilling edition of Blacktop Watch, and the story of how a good friend accused me of being overpaid! ME!

Oh, and The Runt is doing much better. After three days on steroids, he's still licking/scratching/digdigdigging, but with much less enthusiasm and with far less frequency. I did some research into hypo-allergenic foods, and I'll have THAT smackdown here on Monday.

Here we go with Freaky Friday!
I thought I'd show you some more of the crap stuff I bought when I had a few days off last week.

I remember having some souvenir pennants as a kid, so when I saw these, I neeeeeded them:

I've never actually been to the alligator farm, but it sounds like a rockin' place, no? I wonder if it's still there.

Here's a (Hindu?) (Buddhist?) lunchbox:

I like the back better:

Because every kid needs to go to school with a lunchbox featuring an elephant riding a giant rat. Screw Hannah Montana.


Badass Nature Girl said...

O-M-G, I would SO use that lunchbox!!!!! How cool is that?!

Badass Nature Girl said...

and btw, that is the Lord Ganesh. He removes all of our obstacles and helps us reach our goals, especially in business. I have a picture of him in my workshop :o)

Heather said...

That luch box is soo cool! I love the vivid pics on it!

Anonymous said...

I think that would be the one! I used to live in Jacksonville, about an hour north of St. Augustine, and one of my addresses was on A1A. There's something pretty cool about that, and I don't know why.

rockygrace said...

Lord Ganesh, huh? Funny, I thought it was a girl ....

Heather, yeah, it's all the detail that makes it neat.

And Kate, you lived on A1A? How cool is that? It's so .... quaint, like it was the very first highway EVER.