Friday, July 23, 2010

Blacktop Watch: Day Nine


Oh! Be sure to scroll down and read all about how a very dear friend poopied all over my parade last night!


Badass Nature Girl said...

Funny how a highway can be done and you can drive it within a day or two. Just sayin'. If I was there, I'd SO be having a beer (or two or three or...) with you and taking down that rope across the end of their driveway in the middle of the night!

rockygrace said...

C'mon over, BNG - I could use a partner in crime!

Badass Nature Girl said...

Road trip! I'll bring my matchbox cars and we'll park them on their driveway with a sign that says, 'This is how you use your driveway. YOUR driveway.'

~~Silk said...

Steal the posts and rope and install them across YOUR driveway.

Heather said...

Girl you are going to have to just come right out and ask them wtf and how much longer. OR do what Silk says to do..I agree with her.