Friday, August 12, 2011

Well, THAT was awful

I just took Curious George back to the shelter.

I felt like it was the only thing to do; if he had passed his illnesses on to Little Girl, I never would have forgiven myself.

To their credit, the shelter was completely understanding about the return. They said they thought he had escaped the respiratory crud that the rest of the cats had. I find that hard to believe, seeing as how he was WHEEZING by the time I got him home last night, but whatever. They were surprised at how bad his ears were, which - does anybody ever LOOK at these cats? They said that they would have him checked by the vet in the morning, and they offered to hold him there at the shelter and treat him until he was better, so that I could try again, and


I said no.

I cannot do this anymore. I cannot stand in shelters and sob as I return a cat who I thought was going to be a life-long friend.

I hope nobody thinks that I'm doing this cavalierly, like returning a t-shirt that doesn't fit. I will certainly take the responsibility for New Kitty, as I should have realized that a kitten, even a mostly-grown kitten, would be too aggressive for Little Girl. But Curious George scared me. I cannot go through that again.

I wish I could say I feel relieved, but I don't. I just feel awful.

It looks like it's gonna be just Little Girl and me.


Zella said...

If it's any consolation, I've had kittens twice, and had to give them up..twice. I love cats, but the circumstances were not favorable - and I did what I thought was best for the kittens...I still feel bad about it, I still would LOVE to have a cat...but it's been too damn traumatizing and I don't think I'll ever have one again. (knock on wood).

Don't feel bad, you did what you could, and that's all that matters.

Badass Nature Girl said...

I'm so sorry, RG. But don't give the shelter too much credit, I think they would have been horrible if they wouldn't have accepted the cat back given that it showed signs of illness so quickly and they knew about Little Girl. Do you have to disinfect the house or any thing now?

I agree though, take a break and just enjoy the two of you right now. I know it sucks to hear it, but every thing happens for a reason.

~~Silk said...

I have a theory. When Siddy Kitty died, Jay wanted to get another kitten right away. I said no, when the time is right, one will come to us. Six months later, poor lost Miss Thunderfoot arrived.

So, if Little Girl wants a kitty, one of these days, when the time is right, she'll bring one home. "Can I keep it, Mommy? Huh, huh? Can I keep it?"

(Although knowing a bit about Little Girl, it's as likely to be a baby skunk as another cat. Whatever. Let her keep it. My cat Smokey's best friend and playmate was a semi-wild skunk. Worked out fine, except we didn't let him in the house.)

rockygrace said...

Zella, it's good to know I'm not the only one who's had to give up a cat. Thanks.

BNG, I am going to lysol the SHIT out of both the spare bedroom and the cat carrier - that should do the trick.

And ~~Silk and BNG, you're right. I've been pushing this thing too hard too soon - it's time to relax.

Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Oh, and evidently somebody hacked my blog - if you start getting weird post notifications from "me", just delete them. I've taken steps that have hopefully resolved the situation.

Thanks again.