Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Holy CRAP didja feel that?

We just had an earthquake! Here in Upstate New York!

It was about 1:55. I felt dizzy for a couple of seconds, and I realized my chair was swaying. The pictures on the walls started to jiggle. Everything moved for about fifteen seconds.

Reports right now are of a 5.8, possibly centered in Virginia.

So how about that? Didja feel it?


~~Silk said...

Yup. Central NJ. My house (on a slab) moved a half inch south and then back. Jasper the cat is still a little freaked. He keeps trying to tell me there's something wrong with the floor.

rockygrace said...

Poor Jasper - I hope he's calmed down this morning!

Badass Nature Girl said...

Glad you're ok! I feel tremors all of the time, the last one being the day before yesterday, but I don't say it any more, because I think I pick up on ones that don't really register on the scale and then every one thinks I'm full of it until a big one hits and then, because I haven't said any thing about feeling a tremor, they think I'm even more of a fake. But again, glad you're okay! I noticed that a lot of people said the same thing, that they felt dizzy until they realized what was happening.

rockygrace said...

Yeah, I've been through (smaller) quakes before, and this is the first time I've actually felt "woozy". I guess it's pretty common.

And you could totally rent yourself out as an early warning system. Like a canary in a coal mine. :)

Badass Nature Girl said...

There's just some thing about "killing the messenger" in those scenarios :o)