I went back inside and let Little Girl out of the bathroom, and she promptly took up her guard duty again, not having figured out that the mouse was gone. By this time she getting a little bored with the whole thing:
A few hours later:
Boy oh boy, that guard duty is tiring work.
Oh! And you should see how she catches the mice! I call it "Hillkitty Handfishin'". Her brother used to do the same thing: They find a mouse hole out in the yard and stick their paws in, right up to the shoulder sometimes, and rootrootroot around, periodically pulling their paw back out to see if they've snagged anything. If that fails, they just park themselves next to the hole and wait for the mouse to come out.
I still haven't figured out how she gets the birds, though.
Oh, that is too cute!
At least she has focus. My cats bring something in and let it go and forget about it.
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