Friday, March 02, 2012

Just in under the wire

I had decided that I would give the whack-ass rescue group until this morning to contact me, and then I would focus my energies elsewhere.

Guess who called me last night?

So tomorrow afternoon I will be traveling out to West F*cktard to look at a couple of cats*. Finally. I can only hope that this rescue group is not actually a front for an ax-wielding serial killer hillbilly, although I'm pretty sure I can rule that out, because a serial killer would be FAR MORE ORGANIZED than these dipshits are.

I don't really think anything is going to come of this, for various reasons, mainly because I have my doubts that any of these people could get their heads out of their asses long enough to actually complete an adoption, but, well .... open mind, and open heart, and I'm off to East Bumf*ck tomorrow.

I'll let you know what happens ...

*One of whom is reportedly six months old, and one of whom is reportedly one year old. Except you can add AT LEAST six months to both of those ages, because rescue people lie like rugs. And neither one of whom has been neutered yet, because ... what. the. f*ck. And one of them has an eye infection that the Pennsyltucky vet reportedly cannot figure out, because ... of course.


Badass Nature Girl said...

I saw a clip about this place...Treehouse Humane Society....and couldn't believe how nice it was! A cage-free, no-kill shelter and it was clean! Nothing like the shelter we have in our area.......

Birdie said...

Have you ever considered opening your own cat rescue? I think you would do a great job of it.

Good luck and don't get murdered.

rockygrace said...

Oh my gosh, Birdie, it's so funny - A while back I was thinking about how I'd change things if *I* ran a shelter. And I was all, like, "I'd set up a timed breeding program so there was a shit-ton of kittens available at Christmas time!" Which is, of course, the exact OPPOSITE of what cat rescues are trying to do, namely, reduce the cat population, so ... FAIL.
Yeah, I pretty much stink as a human being. Ha.

rockygrace said...

Oh, and I feel I should point out that rescue people are not the only ones who lie like rugs about their cats' ages. Itty Bitty, the foster I have right now? The person who surrendered her said she was "just two years old". Except, she also turned over her vet records, CLEARLY STATING that Itty Bitty was born in May of 2007. Yeah, last time I checked, 2012 minus 2007 did not equal TWO. Christ.

Becs said...

When I brought in Sophie, I thought for sure she was maybe all of 12 weeks old. What she was, was starving. Once she started to put on the poundage, I could see she was more like a year old.

But when you have math as evidence of the cat's age, that's just stupid.

Birdie said...

OK, now you realize the problem so now you can start a cat rescue! Yay!