Thursday, March 08, 2012

It's for the birds!

I'm listening to NPR this morning (SHUT UP) and Garrison Keiller comes on with his Writer's Almanac monstrosity, which I usually shut off as soon as I hear the theme music, because while Garrison used to be kind of awkward and charming, now he's just an annoying gassy old windbag, so yeah, I usually shut off the radio when he comes on.

But I was busy doing paperwork and he was just kind of droning on and on and ON and all of a sudden he's talking about the Poultry Foundation, and I'm kind of, "eh? Poultry Foundation? How cute! A foundation for chickens! I wonder if they have, like, fundraisers and stuff? Poultry education? But ... why is Garrison talking about the Poultry Foundation? Is he tying something into Prairie Home Companion? ...."

And of course, it was right about that time that it hit me. POETRY FOUNDATION. He was talking about a POETRY Foundation. Which makes much more sense, and goes to prove that I really should have my first cup of coffee a leeeeeetle earlier in the morning.

But! You know what? There really IS a Poultry Foundation. That is awesome! I wonder if they're accepting new members ...

and Oh! Oh! Last night's Survivor! Is there anyone besides me who wants to hop on a plane RIGHT NOW to wherever that show is being filmed and kick Colton right in the nuts? "Our housekeeper was black ...." There are NO WORDS. And then Tarzan, who's all, like, "We have a black President! Isn't that ENOUGH?" Tarzan, you're next in line for a nut-kicking. Jeezus Christ.


~~Silk said...

Yeah, "Survivor"! I was hoping they'd vote Coco out. He's the one who's making them disfunctional, but every individual guy is afraid to say or do anything against him because they don't know how in thrall the others guys might be, and who might rat on him. On the second hand, they just voted out a member of Coco's alliance, so the others may now have the numbers to take him out. On the third hand, anyone who takes Coco to the end will win, because NOBODY on the jury will vote for Coco to win.

Yeah, he needs slapping. On "The View" this morning, Whoopi said she suspects that he's gonna meet a whole lot of Black people soon. I suspect there are a lot of gays who'd like to strangle him, too.

Last night is the first time a tribe won immunity and gave it up, but there have been other occasions when a team purposely lost immunity in order to get someone out. (Ratso Russel, and possibly some other years.)

Rob said...

Sorry ... I haven't been keeping up with you the past couple of days. Great shoes .. Nice ankles and sexy feet. And I want a chicken, but my village won't allow it. Shit. I don't think I've missed anything else.

Becs said...

I have never understood the appeal of Garrison Keillor. Ever.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, what boggles my mind is that a member of one oppressed minority (i.e., FLAMING GAYS), would be so overtly prejudiced against a member of another oppressed minority. It makes no sense.

and yeah, Rob, ya ain't missing much over here.

Becs, I used to LIKE Mr. Keiller. Until I heard some rather disturbing things about his personal life, and then it was just ... ick.

Zazzu said...

Yeah, I'm creeped out by Garrison Keillor, too.

I stopped listening to NPR after the whole Juan Williams ridiculousness. Trouble is, there's no other decent radio station in my part of the boonies. I'll probably have to go back.