I spent a hundred and fifty bucks on a rug.
On Saturday, I was at the Ithaca Antique Center, aka The Greatest Store Ever in the History of the World, just nosing around. I noticed some rugs they had hanging in the rafters and one in particular, which had a Tree of Life pattern. It looked more like a tapestry than a rug. I couldn't read the price tag and I knew I couldn't afford it anyway, but I asked them to bring it down, just for the heck of it.

Yeah, I bought it.

It's filthy dirty and the first pass with the steam cleaner resulted in water the color of mud, but it's gonna be beautiful. I may be a sucker, and the me-who-used-to-be-low-income is screaming that NO RUG is worth a hundred and fifty bucks, but it's mine now, dammit.

Yeah, I bought it.

It's filthy dirty and the first pass with the steam cleaner resulted in water the color of mud, but it's gonna be beautiful. I may be a sucker, and the me-who-used-to-be-low-income is screaming that NO RUG is worth a hundred and fifty bucks, but it's mine now, dammit.
Oh, and just to hedge my bets, I stopped by the Asian dollar store and picked up a maneki neko:
It's a Japanese Good Luck cat. Hopefully he'll bring me some money. After all, I just spent a hundred and fifty bucks on a rug.
It is beautiful, and look like it will go with the others so well. If it's bigger than a bath mat, it was worth it.
Sometimes ... you can pick up the greatest stuff :) ... Sometimes :)
What Silk said. It really is beautiful. Stop beating yourself up about buying yourself something beautiful for your house.
Aw, thanks, guys.
At the end of the day, it's a lot of money, but it's not ALL the money, so I'm gonna try to just enjoy the rug.
If I ever get it clean. :)
That rug is totally worth the price you paid. Love it!
Love the rug, totally worth the price, look for coupons for a professional cleaning in the future.
Lucky cat cracked me up, my son wanted one from China and it took me forever to find one I could carry home. After I bought it every time I turned my head I saw one.
Pearl, thanks for stopping by!
And fmcetc, I thought about strapping it to my car roof and going through the car wash ...
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