Friday, March 30, 2012

And I Simply Cannot Do It Alone

(a kabillion bonus points to whoever can name the musical that song lyric came from.)

I had to take out Ponyboy's hernia surgery stitches the other night. "Dissolvable", my ass. We were at three weeks, and I knew if I waited any longer, it was gonna be unpleasant. So I grabbed Pony, aka Mr. Wriggly, exposed his soft, soft tummy, and went in with the manicure scissors.

You know what? There are times when an extra person really does come in handy. I could have used someone to hold him down while I operated.

Oh, the sutures got removed, and I wish right now that I had dunked them into a glass of water to see how long they took to "dissolve", but whatever. Done is done.

The last time I can remember needing another person for backup was when Itty Bitty moved to another foster home. She was a REALLY un-handle-able cat, and I actually had backup on the way when she caved for some sliced ham and voluntarily went into the carrier.

Other than that? Things I can't do by myself? Well, I've got one wristwatch that I hardly ever wear because the clasp is hard to fasten one-handed. And, obv, there's some reproduction stuff that I would never be able to handle solo. And if my car transmission needs work or I need an eye exam, I'm gonna hire that stuff out.

But most of the day-to-day? I got it.

How about you? Anything you can't do alone?


Anonymous said...

It's from Chicago, of course.

- Bridgett

rockygrace said...

DING DING DING we have a winner! Congrats, Bridgett!

Domestic Kate said...

Good question. I've given Kira several baths (flea issues unfortunately) solo, which is something I didn't think I could do. I can't move my dining room table alone. I tried, and now there's a big crack in one of the corner pieces. So, yeah. I'm pretty independent, but I'm learning it's okay to ask for and to need help.

Becs said...

I have two pieces of furniture in my house (The Big Chair and The Stupid Shelf) that I can't move by myself. As soon as I can afford it, I'm calling the junk man and they are going out.

When I bought these things, I'd forgotten my policy of not having anything in my house that I can't move myself.

~~Silk said...

Catherine Zeta-jones, Taye Diggs - I Can't Do It Alone. It took me this long to get the comment up because when I hit "Taye Diggs" I phased out for a while.

I'd been doing everything alone that I had or could acquire the skills for, but now I worry about bones (especially crushing a vertebra) , so I don't anymore lift anything I can't rest on my thighs.

Anonymous said...

The last time I bought a television all the salesguys stood watching as I went from tv to tv picking them up off the shelf.

This was before flat panel televisions - I ended up with a 19 inch tv because that was what I could comfortably carry myself.

rockygrace said...

So I think we're agreed - heavy lifting is OUT.

I consider myself to be in fairly good shape (HAAAAAA), but I've been known to pull a muscle just opening a window. Go figure.