Friday, March 09, 2012

Breaking! News!

I had a post all ready to go on Tuesday. It went like this:

"Okay, first off, I had a call on my answering machine yesterday from the woman taking care of Goldie and Coby. (Yes, yes, I AM still taking name suggestions.) She said their neuters are scheduled for Thursday the twenty-first, which ... of COURSE. (Check your calendar to see why that's so funny, and also TYPICAL.) And! She said I could come pick them up on Saturday the twenty-fourth, which APPEARS to be an actual date, but ... seventeen days seems like an awfully long time."

But then I got distracted by fifty-buck busts and shoes and the Poultry Foundation, and that post never appeared. And then! Because EVERYTHING is fluid in cat-people land, I got a call last night. The vet had a couple of cancellations! Their surgeries would be today! They could come home - gulp - THIS WEEKEND!

Dudes. Duuuuudes. Of course, since I am now treading in cat-land, things could still change. But right now it is looking real good that within the next few days, Goldie and Coby* will be coming home. I hope Itty Bitty's ready for some roommates ...

and I will confess right now that as I got the news last night, I did a happy dance around my kitchen. Which included walking like an Egyptian. Because that's how I roll.

*New names? Anyone? PLEASE?


~~Silk said...

I once knew a cat named "Catfish". Loved it!

Zazzu said...

I like "Loopy" and "Baffle" or "Moobie" and "Brindy". I'm not really good with kitty names.

It's good that you'll be getting those kitties sooner rather than later. The longer you have to wait, the more likely something will "happen" to prevent the adoption. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, would "Catfish" be considered a complimentary or a derogatory cat name?

And Zazzu, you're not paranoid. The cat people are all disorganized dipshits. (Mostly well-MEANING disorganized dipshits, but still.) I won't rest easy until the boys are at home.

~~Silk said...

Catfish was a big strutting orange unaltered male tabby. The name suited him. Imagine if he were a human male from Arkansas nicknamed Catfish. Certainly not derogatory. How 'bout Catfish and Koi?

I always let my cats name themselves. Miss Thunderfoot was a pretty female gray and white longhair tuxedo, and she got her name by the sound when she ran down a well-padded carpeted hallway when she heard the can opener. She sounded like a bowling ball on hardwood. I had two dogs then who were afraid of thunder, and Miss Thunderfoot's name especially fitted because they feared her, too.

Domestic Kate said...

A previous landlord's cat's name was Louie. I liked that. I also like Frankie, Lenny, and Alfie. Basically, I like cat names that sound like old men from NYC.

By the way, nothing to do with cats, but I read this article a couple weeks ago and immediately thought of you:

LL Cool Joe said...

I have a cat called Kylie, and 2 fish called Left Eye and Mel C.

I think if I got another cat I'd called it Stooshie after a new girl band in the UK that are a bit loud and crude and very talented.

Coz that's how I roll. :D

LL Cool Joe said...

Oh, I just they are boys. Oh well.....

LL Cool Joe said...

God I can't think straight tonight, so what's new. ;) I meant "I've just seen they are girls"

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, when I think "Catfish", all I can think of is Catfish Hunter, the ball player.

Kate, I like "Louie". It would sound like I was calling for somebody's dad. And I like the idea of a hipster antique store. The "This American Life" crowd could shop there. :)

LL, of COURSE you name your pets after musicians! That's cool.

Right now, I may actually be leaning toward leaving Coby as Coby. The name just seems to fit him. Although, to be honest, "Godzilla" would also fit. But Goldie, well, to me that's a girl's name, so I'm thinking that one's gonna change.