Let's run the numbers again just for fun, shall we?
Number of cigarettes I would have smoked between April 3, 2009 and today, had I not stopped smoking on that date: 21,900.
Amount of money saved: $3,905.50. (As in last year's post, a clarification: I smoked cheap cigs I bought on line. I used a dollar figure of $3.56 a pack, since that's what my smokes cost at the time I quit. If I had been buying Marlboros at the corner Seven-Eleven, at today's price of eight bucks a pack (minimum), that number would have been - wait for it - $8,776.40.)
So! Two years in. It doesn't seem weird to be an ex-smoker; it seems weird that I ever did it in the first place. I wish I could take some of the smokers I know, the ones who say they just CAN'T quit, that they've tried and they've tried and they've TRIED and they just can't do it ...
... yeah, you can. I did.
Most of the smokers I know now say they don't WANT to quit. We quit about 9 or so years ago, with a bit of time last year having fallen off of the wagon. But we wanted to quit and that was the difference. We had tried in years past, patches, etc. but we did it the final time cold turkey. This last surgery of mine helps to keep from even thinking about having one and I'm glad it had been many months since I had caved in. Pat on the back to you! I won't say, "don't fall off the wagon!" cuz' I hate that when people say it to me.
Almost $4,000 and 22,000 cigarettes. Wow. It's so weird what we believe we need and can afford once we get in the habit of having something. But now, if you were faced with a decision between spending $4,000 on something that would offer temporary pleasure/relief for two years or having $4,000 to spend on whatever you like, you'd feel a little silly for choosing the first one. Good for you for taking care of yourself.
I still can't believe I used to smoke, or that my husband used to smoke. None our friends do any more either, and we all used to puff away like chimneys.
You know what's the weirdest thing about smoking? You don't even GET anything out of it. I mean, at least if I drink a beer or two, I get a buzz off of it. All smoking does is satisfy the craving for another cigarette. Jeez.
Hooray for you!
Brilliant! Well done you!
LOTS of money saved there, now you can spend it all on your house!
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