Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm not really one to get into politics, but ...

... to all those assholes on the right who keep bitching about how we can't possibly raise taxes on the rich, about how it isn't fair to punish people for working hard, blahblahblah ....

... I just got a peek at my boss's tax returns for last year. He makes approximately FIVE TIMES what I make, and ...

... I paid MORE in Federal and State taxes last year than he did.

Dear right-wing assholes: STFU.


Anonymous said...

Exactly. There is a myth out there that people who make more money work harder than those who make less. This is just a myth. It is false.

1. People who make less money usually work just as hard and ofter harder than those who are wealthy.

2. People who make less because they can't find work would probably love to work harder if they could.

Most people don't want to "punish" the rich, but saying that you have to pay your fair share isn't punishment.

rockygrace said...

Good points, Kate.

And I'm not saying that my boss doesn't deserve to make more money than I do - Hell, he's got an advanced degree, forty years of experience in the field - of COURSE he should be making more. Lots more.

It's just that for me, taking home 25K, to be paying more in taxes than he, who makes close to 150K, is absurd.

~~Silk said...

Oh, my. Don't you understand? The more money you make the more power you have. The more power you have, the lower your taxes. Corporations have the most power, and most of them pay NO taxes. In fact, they get handouts from those of us who do pay taxes. This is called "capital-ism", i.e. "he who has the capital makes the campaign contributions, and therefore the rules".

Forget what you learned in school about how our political system is democracy. It's not. Our political system is actually capitalism.