So! I got home the other night to find an aluminum-bending machine and a case of aluminum in my backyard.
I am assuming that they were delivered there by the window-trimmer guy, who then ... got sick and had to leave? Got a call that his wife needed a ride and had to go pick her up? Forgot about daylight savings time ending and ran out of daylight?
Seriously, I have no idea, because all the equipment was there, but the windows still weren't trimmed.
And that aluminum-bending machine, also known as a break, runs upward of a grand.
You know, I live in a good neighborhood, but I'm pretty sure that even
I wouldn't leave an easily-loaded-into-a-pickup-truck piece of equipment worth
a thousand dollars just lying around.
Oh! And earlier this summer, when the surveyor guy was at the house (the surveyor dude who never
did find the corner pins to my property, because evidently the entire neighborhood was laid out somewhat wonky, to the extent where, at one point, I shit you not, he was scratching his head and asking me, "Do you know if they ever
moved that road?"), okay ... um .... where was I?
Oh yeah! The surveyor went to lunch and left his digital transit, a
very expensive piece of surveying equipment, set up by the side of the road. Where anybody passing by could just scoop it up and drive away.
Then again, maybe it was how I was raised. My dad would have KILLED me if I had so much as left a bicycle out on the lawn overnight. Even today, I don't even leave the flippin'
lawnmower out in the yard, although maybe I should, in hopes that someone actually WOULD steal the damn thing and then I could buy one that actually RUNS ...
Wait! Where was I again? Oh yeah! Do you leave steal-able stuff out in the open? Because now I'm starting to wonder if I'm some kind of non-trusting weirdo.
Oh! Oh! One more question! How do I know when to use "lay" and when to use "lie"? IT'S KILLING ME. I mean, I know that if you place something, you "lay" it down. But is the object then "laying" there or "lying" there? I CANNOT FIGURE IT OUT.