Tuesday, November 09, 2010

.... and then there was that OTHER weird thing that happened this weekend ...

... other than the smoke alarm, that is:

I gave a thumbs-up to a grocery store clerk.



What is WRONG with me? What am I, the Fonz?




Anonymous said...

thanks for the laugh!

I always seem to respond to the movie ticket seller's "Enjoy the movie" with "Thanks, you too!"

I'm such a dork sometimes.

Rob said...

At least you didn't attempt to "fist bump" them. "Thumbs Up" is serious enough to start worrying a little bit though.

Let's work on that, shall we??

Anonymous said...

I give people a thumbs up all the time! Are you saying I should stop? Damn. I feel a little embarrassed when I do it with my ESL students, though. Body language is very important when people don't speak the language, but if they don't use thumbs-up in the same way we do, I could be responsible for some serious international incident :-)

rockygrace said...

Haha, Anonymous, I say "same to you!" all the time, sometimes in totally inappropriate situations. And then I cringe.

Rob, you know what's the dorkiest thing in the world? When dudes chest bump each other! That's just ... wrong.

And Kate, yeah, let's not go starting any trouble, okay? :)