Now, in an inexplicable turn, I am becoming a fashion blogger for a day. Here is what I'm wearing to work tomorrow:
Yes, I pick out my outfits the night before. It saves time when I am inevitably running late in the morning. Now, I know this outfit is a little ... out there, but I'm getting bored with my work clothes lately, and it's time to mix it up a little. I have to say, a recent find and absolute inspiration is Vintage Vixen, who cares not one whit what others think about her personal style.
So! Turquoise and mixed prints it is. Yee-haw.
The turquoise is gorgeous. And I cover those shoes.
Birdie, I've never liked turquoise jewelry, but I love the color in clothes. Go figure.
And the shoes are Payless! I got them on sale for, like, five bucks, a while back. It pays to troll Payless every once in a while.
I like it. I'm trying to be more adventurous with my clothing and visit Goodwill a lot more for interesting stuff.
I think it absolutely works.
Kate, there's a Goodwill coming to my town! Such excitement!
and thanks, Becs!
Way more attractive than any outfit I've seen on Dooce ;)
Bwahahahaha, Laura - Oh LORD, don't bring up Dooce around here ... I'll get flamethrowered again ... :)
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