Monday, February 27, 2012


My boss had a heart attack three weeks ago. It almost killed him. And now, three weeks later? He's started smoking again.

I ... don't understand. I mean, I understand that it's hard to quit. Heck, I quit myself, three years ago, after being a smoker for almost thirty years. And my boss has been smoking for longer than that, so I know it's difficult.

But ... I mean, he had a heart attack. His third, actually. And if this most recent one had not happened in a public place, where help was readily available, he would have died.

Because he dropped dead. Literally. And the paramedics were able to bring him back.

He got a second chance. He should be dead, and he's not. He spent a week in the hospital, and a week at home recuperating, and another week working part-time, and holy Mary Mother of God he's smoking again.

I am trying to wrap my mind around this, and I am struggling. Especially since I just found out that my sister-in-law's cancer has returned. Her daughter gave birth to her first granddaughter last week, and now she's learned that she only has a few months left to live. And my brother? Well, it will be several weeks before he learns if he's beat his throat cancer.

And my boss? He got a second chance. Another chance to live. And now he's smoking again.

Jeezus Christ.


Zella said...

I guess there are always going to be people out there whose choices we are not able to understand....and that's fine, because we are only responsible for our own decisions. I can see how this must be frustrating to you though, with the illness in your own family....I guess smoking is as bad as any other addiction and nobody can stop an addict but him/herself.

Does this person have anything "to live for" ? Maybe he just doesn't care whether he lives or dies..three heart attacks seems like enough to bring anyone into their senses if they wanted to live. It does seem like such waste though, doesn't it...would make it easier if we could just swap people's places so that those who have a desire to live would be given the chance -- and not those who waste one chance after another.

Much strength to you with your loved ones' health struggles.

P.S. it's getting harder and harder to prove that I'm not a robot !! These word verifications are ridiculous..

LL Cool Joe said...

I know I sound harsh but he kinda doesn't deserve another chance.

But as Zella says, maybe he doesn't care whether he lives or dies. Sad.

rockygrace said...

It's just that he's in total denial. When anybody says something about his smoking, he says, "it's my heart that's bad, not my lungs!", like the smoking isn't affecting his heart. While he was in the hospital he was diagnosed with diabetes, so he ordered some quack book off the internet about how to "cure diabetes in 30 days". And then had a double whopper with cheese for lunch.

He's an otherwise intelligent man - maybe he really does have a death wish.

rockygrace said...

oh, and Zella, I hear ya on the word verifications. I struggle with them, too.

Zazzu said...

Nobody denies being an addict like a smoker. It's almost unbelievable the state of denial (many,not all) smokers live in.

I wonder what your boss' family thinks about his behavior. I would leave my husband if he did this. Enough is enough.