hmmm ... what do YOU think?
Guys. GUYS. I HAD to. Two bucks a bag? I'm only human, people.
(Please excuse the catastrophe that is my spare bedroom in that picture, above. Focus on the white plastic bags of awesomeness.)
I am ashamed to admit that I was so outrageously busy last night that I didn't even have time to open those bags yesterday. But that's all right. It's enough to know that they're waiting patiently for me in the spare room. I think I'll parcel them out, a bag a day, because is there anything better than having a Bag of Mystery to open up? I think not. And I have five bags. (Chuckles maniacally and rubs hands together.) I'm also pretty sure that ninety percent of what's in those bags will end up in the rescue group garage sale this spring. But that's okay! It's for a good cause! (And oh my God people TWO BUCKS A BAG.)
Behold some of the incredibleness that was in the original Bag of Mystery, the Bag that started it all:
Dudes. Wind-up toys. From left, a seal balancing a ball, the Jetsons' maid Rosie, a pair of shoes, and ... a monkey with clashing cymbals.
When you wind him up, he walks! And crashes his cymbals! Look at his little hat!
And the seal flops around while his ball spins on his nose! And the shoes walk around all by themselves, to the great consternation of Itty Bitty.
And Rosie? Rosie dances.
It doesn't get any better than this, guys. I'm fairly sure of it.
Don't make me wait! Open it now! Open it now!
Okay, I opened one bag last night. It contained a jar candle that weighs about five pounds, another wind-up Rosie!, some fake flowers, a ruler, baby slippers (garage sale), rhinestone embellishments, two kinds of ribbon, and some scented oil that leaked all over the place. Score!
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