Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not my experience

The latest blogger to happen big appears to be Hyperbole and a Half, and she deserves it, because she's hilarious.

She's gone from total anonymity to, like, a kabillion page hits a month in less than a year.

That's not my blogging experience.

Mainly because I will never be one-hundredth of the blogger that she is, and that's fine with me. I am very happy with the little niche I've carved out for myself here.

And then there was that convenience store worker down South who played the lottery a few weeks back and won a kabillion dollars.

I've been known to buy a lottery ticket every once in a blue moon, but actually winning money? Not my lottery experience.

I guess I got thinking about this whole "experience" thing when I found out my ex was living in a trailer park. If I had stayed with him, who knows? That might have been my experience. But I left him, and it wasn't.

Not sure what I'm trying to get at here, except that maybe life is equal parts effort and serendipity, and as long as you're happy with where you end up, all is well. I think that most people, when in a good situation, will try to stay there, and most people, when in a bad situation, will work to get out of it. But sometimes, I think inertia sets in, and it's easier to just stay where you are than to try to move on. Personally, whenever I'm in a bad place, panic sets in, like, "holy shit, what if I'm stuck here forever?", and then I get my stuff in gear and work to get to a better place. Sometimes it takes a while, to be honest, but I do get up and go. But I've seen an awful lot of people stay in really bad places, just because they don't want to put in the effort to get out, or don't think they're worthy, somehow, of getting to a better place.

Right now I'm in a good place. I'll try to stay here.


Laney said...

Great post, I can relate.

I was in a very bad place about two years ago. It lasted for over a year. I tried and tried to get out of it because I knew logically that I had to, but my heart would not let me. It really is about just moving forward, doing the next thing.

And, I like your blog.:-) The big blogs, well, they are too big for me. I much prefer small-ish communities and blogs where the author comments back to you. I like the personal feeling. It's why I stopped reading Pioneer Woman, she just stopped being relatable. And all of the giveaways? Oy. I can appreciate the success that other bloggers have and I think it's awesome that women have been given such a great forum for writing, but I like the personal aspect more.

Is that a garbled mess of thoughts? LOL

inflammatory writ said...

I could have written this exact post. Word for word.

Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

"...maybe life is equal parts effort and serendipity..."

Love this and the post.

the queen said...

The people at work are all gunning for promotions, and it makes me wonder, "Don't you like your job?" I say move if you're unhappy, stay put if you are happy.

Fish Food said...

Totally agree pretty much with everything written here.

I like the smaller personal blog community rather than the huge one.

I like the conversation that opens up with people adding their comments. You don't get that 2 way thing with a huge blog.

rockygrace said...

As far as the bigger blogs go, I just don't see the point of leaving Comment #254. And Pioneer Woman totally changed the entire tone of her blog once she started getting attention.

Thanks for reading and chiming in, guys!