Monday, May 24, 2010

Hoodlums: The Next Generation

Friday night, I had a front-row seat to some neighborhood kids plotting and executing a ring-and-run on my neighbor Terry.

I thought about chasing the kids away (HEY! KIDS! GET OFF OF MY LAWN!), but heck, they didn't even have the ol' flaming bag of poop. No harm, no foul, right?

But I got to wondering, do kids who pull silly pranks on their neighbors turn out okay? Or do they turn into bad teenagers?

I don't remember ever pulling pranks on adults when I was a kid, mainly because of the fear factor - fear that I'd get caught.

How about you - did you pull any pranks?


Logical Libby said...

Thank god my doorbell doesn't work. I would spray those little bastards with the hose.

Unknown said...

The juniors in our marching band ritually bid goodbye to the seniors by toilet papering their houses. It's too bad that I don't have call to do that more often, because I have mad skillz. I didn't do a lot of pranking otherwise. A few practical jokes here and there, but that was about it. As you say, I was afraid of getting caught and as the punishment would have involved some suspension of driving privileges, I couldn't risk that. My car was pretty much my lifeline to independence in my last two years of high school and I loved to drive so much that I couldn't imagine having to give up the keys because I had egged someone's garage.

rockygrace said...

The hose sounds like a fine idea to me, Libby. GET OFF MY LAWN!

Oh, and Bridgett, now that you mention it, I do seem to remember an incident of egging in my past, but the details are fuzzy. I just remember buying the eggs.

Heather said...

I wouldn't know if they turn out bad, I was never one of them.

I would have definetely said something though, I'm just mean that way! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I didn't pull any pranks on adults, and I turned out fine, but I can't say that the opposite is true. I did TP a guy's house (someone I went to school with)with friends during a slumber party, but we were immediately caught and had to clean it up.