Friday, November 27, 2009

I'll show you pics from my Thanksgiving .....

....... if you promise not to call Child Protective Services.

Baby's first wine box:

.... and the wine always leads to harder stuff, don'tcha know:

Awwwwwww. Baby's first highball. It's a Manhattan - the kid has good taste.

Members of my family found these pictures either horrifying or hilarious, depending on which way their sense of humor skewed. I think you know which side of the spectrum I fall on.


Unknown said...

No really. I thought these were kind of funny. I have a similar picture of my kid playing at a cousin's house with a Natty Light box on her head like a little helmet.
I just didn't comment...

(captcha word is "obother"

rockygrace said...

You know, I just now noticed that the kid (my grandnephew) is clearly displaying a little baby plumber's crack. This does not bode well AT ALL .....

Fish Food said...

Oh bless him! Workies' bum already.