Friday, November 06, 2009

Grammar matters

Or, maybe I'm just an asshole.

I got a form letter in the mail the other day from a local financial planner. Now, I'm no grammar expert, but this thing was so chock-full of typos and punctuation errors that I just had to laugh. (Example: "I'd be happy to met with you." Did no one proofread this thing before it went out as a mass mailing? It was like trying to read the flyer from the local Chinese take-out place, for Pete's sake.)

Then I got out a red pen and started editing.

When I was done, I put the letter in an envelope and mailed it back to the financial planner. I had added a note to the bottom of the letter saying, "This thing is full of typos, and you want to do my TAXES? I think not."

Yeah, I guess I'm just an asshole.

(Feel free to point out any grammatical errors contained in this post. Go for it; really.)


~~Silk said...

Snork! I do the same with the local school system newsletter.

(My word verification is "danit". Typo? More appropriate if they hadn't forgotten the "M".)

Fish Food said...

Ooooh, I love those letters. I can rant on and on about bad grammar... it bores people after a while but I have to say I think it is IMPORTANT!!

rockygrace said...

Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one with this particular quirk!

Poetry Echoes said...

I totally heart you. I love that you mailed it back - with corrections.