Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This is EXACTLY why I quit smoking

Seriously, guys, I'm not trying to beat a dead horse or anything with all this "ha ha I quit smoking" stuff, but something happened today that really rattled me.

See, there is this blogger who I've been reading for, oh, a year or two now. I'd link to her blog, but she doesn't know me from Adam, and I don't know if she'd appreciate it, and to tell the truth, she's got her hands pretty full right now.

Because she went to the doctor with a persistent cough, and they did an x-ray, and holy motherfucking shit, they found masses. In her lungs.

And as far as I know, this woman is not a smoker and has never smoked, and yet. She has masses. In her lungs.

And I am well aware that it could be too late for me already. Even though I quit in April, I spent the previous thirty years before that lighting up with abandon. Frankly, I have already made my bed, and some day down the road, I may have to lie in it.

But this poor woman? Who, as far as I know, has never smoked? Is facing my worst nightmare. Sitting in a doctor's office and being told, "We've found something."

I am pulling for this woman right now just as hard as I can. With every fucking fiber of my being, I am hoping, hoping, hoping that she will be fine. Because she doesn't deserve this. I may deserve it, but she certainly doesn't.

I just want to cry.

I can only imagine how she feels.


inflammatory writ said...

yikes. :( I think people getting lung cancer who never smoked is the most unfair bullshit thing ever. So much of it has to do with genetics.
*imagine me knocking on wood a thousand times* Both of my folks have smoked for forty years or so and they're both as healthy as horses. We have no cancer history in our family, which helps things. Life is just such a freaking crap shoot.

No matter what - you have SIGNIFICANTLY reduced your chances.

rockygrace said...

It seems I've gotten to that age where I start looking at my own mortality, you know?

And then yesterday I read about ANOTHER blogger, younger than me, who just had a massive STROKE.

Hold me.