Monday, April 27, 2009

Chews Shoes

One (or possibly both) of the cats is destroying my shoes.

I've got one of those shoe-rack thingies in the bedroom, and the cat(s) are chewing the shit out of the toes of the shoes on the bottom rack. Well, except for the moccasins, which is kind of odd, because the moccasins are probably the only shoes on the entire rack that are made of something even vaguely resembling leather. (Yes, I own a pair of moccasins. SHUT UP.)

I've heard of puppies chewing shoes, but cats? I mean, they're almost a year old now, so it's not like they're teething.

A few nights ago, I woke to Little Girl trying to pry my mouthpiece out of my hand. Evidently I had taken it out in my sleep and was holding on to it in a desperate bid to keep it away from the cats; LG was methodically trying to pry my hand open with her paw. The Runt is the worst mouthpiece offender; he chewed one of my old ones to pieces.

I've got a fairy tiara thing hanging off a lamp in my living room, and the other night I caught The Runt chewing on the beads. I mean hard-core, CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP chewing on the beads.

Maybe I should just buy them some chewing gum and be done with it.


Unknown said...

Your kitties are chewers. It happens. They have an innate need to gnaw (strengthens teeth, makes their gums healthier). If you aren't feeding with dry food, try giving them something crunchy in their bowls. You can also try to redirect them with chew toys (yes, they make them, with catnip even) or baby carrots or a tray of grass specially for them to gnaw away on. I've seen people freeze little treats in ice cubes so that the cat has something to work away at and crunch, but it makes a gawdawful mushy puddly mess...

rockygrace said...

Yeah, I had a puddly mess when The Runt chewed through a plastic water bottle ......

Thanks for the suggestions!

Exador said...

I discovered this morning that Janet had chewed through the jar of ICY HOT. When I brought the jar near her, she backed away from it.

I would have paid good money to be there the moment her happy chewing suddenly turned to shocking surprise.

The little bitch.

rockygrace said...

Haaaaaa, Ex, that's classic. Makes me want to set a tube of Ben Gay on the floor.