Friday, June 13, 2008


So I finally got around to watching "Juno" the other night, long after everybody else in the free world had already seen it.


I mean, it was alright, it was funny and touching and blah blah blah, but I just didn't think it was the BEST MOVIE EVER, like a lot of other people seem to think.

It's kind of like when Napoleon (sp?) Dynamite came out, and everybody was raving about it and quoting chunks of dialogue and the whole nine yards, and I went and saw it and just thought, well, that was ok.

Is it just me? Did anybody else see Juno and go, "meh"? Are there movies that you don't like that everybody else loves? Please, let me know!


Anonymous said...

Those kind of movies get better everytime you watch them. Generally I don't consider them "great" until I've seen it at least 3 times.

Watch it again in a week. You might like it better the second time.

rockygrace said...

Oh rats ... I already sent it back to Netflix!

Maybe I can catch it again when it shows up on cable.

listie said...

I haven't seen it. I said "meh" everytime I thought about watching it. Maybe that's not fair. Maybe I should watch it. Meh....maybe not.

Unknown said...

I know the screenwriter, so it was sort of neat to see what Brooke came up with. For the most part, though, I am getting too old for teen movies...

~~Silk said...

Every guy I have ever been very close to has loved Monty Python, and especially "...The Holy Grail". I don't. When The Man discovered I'd never seen "...Grail", he figured that was the problem, and that once exposed, I'd be "fixed". We watched it. I shrugged, "Rather bloody, wasn't it?"

I remain unimpressed.

I guess I just don't get it.

rockygrace said...

Silk, I feel the same way about Monty Python. I mean, it's funny, but it's not THAT funny. And some of it's just stupid.