Monday, June 30, 2008

Best. Thing. Ever.

I was reading this article about a cruise ship that sank in the Antarctic. As they were loading the passengers into the lifeboats, a couple broke out singing "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" by Monty Python.


That's the coolest thing ever.


Anonymous said...

I'm always happy to hear a Monty Python reference. It's especially cool since I belong to a generation for whom MP is not terribly popular. It's even better when one of my students get my MP references.

I stopped here because I saw the title of your blog. When I was very young, we had a cat named Rocky.

rockygrace said...

Rocky, the cat for whom this blog is named, passed away in February at the age of 15. I still miss him dearly.

Thanks for stopping by, kitkat!

Anonymous said...

Poor kitty. I'm not sure what happened to our Rocky. He got his name because he was quite the bad ass of cats, going out and getting into rumbles with other cats and so forth.

Thanks for commenting on my blog too. I'm in search of new blogs to read...