Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Small wet bottom shoo-fly pie" ...

... read the label on the dessert I picked up at the grocery store today.

I ran up to the store on my lunch break to pick up some more Kefir, which, I KNOW, gag gag *spit* *spit* *spit*, but I have discovered that the flavored varieties are actually marginally drinkable, as opposed to the vile plain sh*t, and in my efforts to keep the "Summer of C-diff" from turning into the "Summer of Hospitalization", I am pulling out all the stops.

So!  Anyway!  I head into the store, and there's a display of desserts right up front, because OF COURSE, and a sign saying "shoo-fly pie."

Now, thanks to the mighty mighty Vanco, I am, at least temporarily, able to eat.  Which is leading me to eat all the food ever in the world, because who knows how long this is gonna last?  And while I'd heard of shoo-fly pie, I don't believe I'd ever actually eaten any, so I bought a little mini shoo-fly pie.

Ingredients list?  Flour, sugar, water, molasses, pure vegetable shortening, leavening.

Well, it didn't SOUND particularly appetizing, but what the hell. 

The taste?  It mostly tastes of pie crust.  Light, crumbly, sweet pie crust.  And on the bottom is a darker layer, which I am assuming is the molasses, except it really doesn't taste like molasses.  Much.

I dunno.  The whole thing is kind of a big meh.  Except this is not exactly a gourmet grocery store or anything, so maybe there are versions of shoo-fly pie that are fanTAStic, and this store just messed it up.

So?  What are your experiences with shoo-fly pie?  Good?  Bad?  Indifferent?

Enquiring minds want to know.



~~Silk said...

I'm surprised that you were able to find shoo-fly anywhere other than Pennsylvania! I love good wet-bottom (but I've found that a lot of what is sold as wet-bottom is actually dry-bottom, which I don't like).

The best place to find the good stuff is in little independent diners in central Pa, where they make it themselves. To be good, the molasses part (which should the consistency of custard) should be at least 2/3 the depth of the pie, and the bottom crust should be thin. And soggy.

The little mini pies are never very good. The ratio of "wet" to "dry" parts is off because they cook too quickly for the molasses and crumbles to settle out properly.

~~Silk said...

By the way, shoo-fly is sort of related to pecan pie. A good wet bottom is sort of like a good pecan pie.

James P. said...

Wish they could find a different way to describe the base layer....wet bottom just doesn't do anything for anyone's appetite.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, this kind of tastes like a pecan pie without the pecans. Not bad, but not anything special.

And Ginny, I agree.