Monday, June 24, 2013


I've got a shed in my backyard.  It's just your standard shed, composed of some kind of metal, I'm guessing aluminum.  It's fairly good-sized, maybe 10 x 10, and it's my understanding that during the flood of 2006, it relocated itself to the back of my neighbor's yard and had to be hauled back into its current position.  A travelin' shed.

I put a trellis up against one side of it and put in some honeysuckle and trumpet vine, but the trumpet vine has produced a grand total of one bloom in the past four years, and the honeysuckle ain't doing a lot better.  I thought about putting some ferns in along that side of the shed, but after observing the space for the past couple of weekends, I think it gets too much sun for ferns to thrive.

So I went down to the creek last weekend to see what I could find.  I found some daisies about to be taken over by the murderous knotweed, so I liberated them from their position of doom.  I went to the garden center and picked up a lily for 20% off.  I have a sneaking suspicion that the ID tag stuck in the lily's pot may not belong to that particular plant, so what color it will be when it blooms is anybody's guess.  A surprise!

Remember Our Lady of the Really Big Dress?  She'd been leaning up against that shed for quite some time, so she and her larva baby got the place of honor.  Then I went back to the creek for some flat stones to keep weeding to a minimum, and voila!

Shed chic.  It's my specialty.


James P. said...

Looks like a page from a magazine. Classy. (Does this mean you are feeling better?)

fmcgmccllc said...

Looks nice to me, can't wait to see the Lily.

Becs said...

Very nice and the price is right.

rockygrace said...

I love daisies. They always look so damn ... happy.