Tuesday, December 04, 2012

The M Word, Part Two

Okay, so, LAST year around this time I wrote about going to the doctor for my annual lady-parts exam and finding out that I may be entering menopause.

This morning, I had to go back for another annual exam (funny how that happens), and, well, the doctor wanted to run some more detailed tests.  To find out how CLOSE, exactly, I am to the M word.  She'll have the results in a few days.

I will tell you what.  Turning fifty one week and having to discuss menopause the next?  Makes me feel damn old.

Hey!  Kids!  GET OFF MY LAWN!


Becs said...

Oh, get over yourself. Once it's done, it's grand. You don't have to worry about your period, getting pregnant (of course, that would mean having sex. With a man.), dealing with your period, cramps, mittleschmerz.

But don't think you're done with FHP. Poise Pads await you.

rockygrace said...

I haven't had a period in fifteen years (I'm on depo), so the lack of menstruation is something I've grown quite accustomed to. Thankfully.

But what the hell is FHP?! Jeezus, is this gonna require a whole new skill set?

~~Silk said...

FHP - Florida Highway Patrol - those cute young cops I was talking about.

Laura said...

As a student looking for jobs as a pelvic floor physical therapist, I mean to put Poise out of business. Urinary incontinence isn't a given!

Becs said...

FHP - Feminine hygiene products.

fmcgmccllc said...

I had one of the worst transitions ever, started late 30's and into my 50's still happening. We almost committed my mother during her change. On the other hand my MIL did not even notice hers. If you feel fine you could be one of the lucky ones.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, send in the troopers!

Laura, "Urinary incontinence isn't a given?" Now you're scaring me ... *hides under desk* Frankly, urinary incontinence hadn't even OCCURRED to me.

Becs, thanks for clearing that up.

and fmcetc., I'm sorry you've had such a rough go. I have had absolutely no symptoms as of yet, so yeah, maybe I'll luck out. So to speak.