Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's Official

The doctor just called.   The results of the bloodwork I had done last week are in.

I'm in menopause.

Um ... hooray?  Boo-hoo?

Not sure what I'm supposed to feel, here.

Or do.

Does this mean I have to starting wearing red hats and purple clothes?  Because those are my two least favorite colors.

Do I need to get more cats?  Because my house is pretty full right now.

Am I supposed to throw a party?  Like those awful parties some weird people throw when their daughters begin menstruating?  Because that sh*t ain't happening.  This is no one's business but mine.  (and yours. ha.)

F*ck, I can't even throw my condom stash away - still gotta protect against disease, doncha know.  Although honestly, those condoms have been gathering dust for quite some time.

I dunno.  Maybe I'll go shopping.  That sounds like a good idea. 

Shopping for support hose and Werther's candies.  SH*T.

I am old.  My body says so.

I don't FEEL old.  So I think I'll file this little tidbit away, as informative but not necessarily relevant.

There.  NOW I feel better.


Zella said...

I would say.....woohoo - new era, eh ?

On the other hand, I'm pissed that we ladies have to go through all this hormonal shit and change throughout our lives -- while men sail through theirs without any of this...

Anyways, I hope all will be as easy as possible with your, ahem, change...and keep the young attitude going, makes all the difference in the world :-D

the queen said...

Well, did the start of your menses actually make you feel older? I bet it didn't. The biological clock has nothing to do with any other part of out lives.

fmcgmccllc said...

My favorite part was when I went to the doc for a higher dose of HRT and he told me I was depressed. I explained to him "No, I want to kill people, totally different mood." He upped the meds.

rockygrace said...

Zella, I haven't had any symptoms at all - hopefully I won't GET any.

queen, good point!

and fmcetc., ha, "I'm not sad! I'm homicidal!" Love it.

You know, come to think of it, I HAVE had some rage-filled moments over the past few years, but I chalked it up to quitting smoking. Hmmm.