Monday, October 15, 2012

Yes, I am aware that I sound like I'm on the third day of a really bad headcold

Here it is!  The moment no one has been waiting for!

Click here !

People, I cannot help the voice.  The only way to make it any better is through surgery, which, NO.  So go ahead and laugh at Ms. Minnie Mouse, there.

The things I do for homeless cats!  Sheesh.


fmcgmccllc said...

Nice job on the radio.

rockygrace said...

Thanks, fmcetc.! It was a lot of fun.

~~Silk said...

I think you have a nice voice - but I may be a bit prejudiced. You have an accent that I grew up with in north-eastern Pennsylvania. The broad "a" ("cay-at") and glottal "t" ("kit'en"). ("Scra'on" is the correct pronunciation of the city name, by the way.)

You managed to make taking in crazy kitties and giving them up again sound easy.

rockygrace said...

~~Silk, I had no idea I had an accent. Huh.

And I just happened across a really interesting blurb about why our voices sound different to us than to other people: