Saturday, September 01, 2012

and then I was on the evening news

oh you guys I'm not even kidding, a local news station came to our rummage sale/bake sale/adoption event this afternoon (must have been a REALLY slow news day), and I made it onto the six o'clock news.

Ah, sweet, sweet fame. :)

Bottom line? One kitten adoption, one new foster home volunteer family (SO hard to come by), and two hundred bucks from the rummage sale. We done good.

Oh! And ask me about the p*rnographic statue I sold to the VFW bartender. It's a good story.


~~Silk said...

Ok, we're asking. Go ahead and change the names and connections in the next post - we'll all know who you mean (poke poke wink wink).

Zella said...

Oooh, I know a Celebrity !

Anonymous said...

I'm always up for a good story about a pornographic statue and a VFW bartender....

- B

(which reminds me of the snowglobe my grandma gave me when I was a about adorable clown (which I'm sure was the reason she gave it to me, what with her failing eyesight and all) quite clearly giving onlookers the finger. I didn't notice that until I was a teenager but after that, it became one of my favorite objects for a while.)

- bridgett

~~Silk said...

I just read this post from Mrs Linklater that I think will amuse you and Becs.

rockygrace said...

Guys, the story is coming! I'm just so damn tired right now ...

and I'm still trying to fathom why someone would donate p*rn to a charity sale.

Zella, you can say you knew me when! :)

bridgett, I know that the bird-wielding clown snowglobe is not the only fabulous object you possess - I'm kinda jealous.

and ~~Silk, I can't get that link to work right now, but I can't wait to give it a shot in the morning ... looks like a winner!

James P. said...
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James P. said...

Well, that's just great. First, this will go to your head. Then you won't want to hang out with common blog-readers any more and Rocky Cat will become a fan site. Then you'll hire someone else to write your stuff. Sigh............Ginny

rockygrace said...

I'll *try* not to let fame change me, Ginny. Ha.