Thursday, April 05, 2012

Marie Callendar? Really, guys?

Yeah, I'm as guilty of eating this crap as the next person. But somehow I thought the cats would be more discriminating.


Birdie said...

My fiance's cat eats everything and anything. We think he may have been starved as a kitten because he has to be fed twice a day like a dog. If you just put food out for him he will just keep eating. He doesn't seem to have a shut off valve.

rockygrace said...

Sadly, a LOT of the fosters I work with have to be put on restricted diets - they were used to not knowing where their next meal was coming from, so they eat everything they can once they get into the rescue system, and as a result are often really overweight when they get to me. An obese kitten is a disconcerting sight.